Some news 21-22 November, 2011 at Madrid

Hello everybody and welcome to ThatCamp Madrid!

ThatCamp Madrid is a user-generated “unconference” that will be held on 21-22 November, 2011, in association with the pioneering project Hybrid Days. It will bring together people from the areas of technology and humanities in an informal environment. Every session will be participant-driven, and attendees will fully participate discussing, creating, sharing… all around Digital Humanities and the ideas contained both in the Digital Humanities Manifesto and Manifesto for the Digital Humanities (Paris, ThatCamp, May, 2010). It would also be possible to follow ThatCamp Madrid entirely via web.

Shortly, we will provide you with more details on how to participate. Join us in this knowledge adventure!

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1 respuesta a Some news 21-22 November, 2011 at Madrid

  1. As the owner of, a website devoted to cultural heritage and cultural tourism in Panama, I’m very interested in learning more about the first ThatCamp to be held at an Iberoamerican country. Please, let me know more about this exciting event.


    Marino Jaén Espinosa

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